Comic Art
Comic Book Style Art Work

The following page showcases a series of 'comic book' style artworks ranging from pre-historic 'horror' comic style illustrations to other tropes of the 'pulp' genre including pirates, cowboys, vampire hunters, zombies and barbarians.

Lovecraftian Pre-Historic Horror

The following illustrates the process of creating a comic book style illustration of some classic ‘pulp’ iconography - Dinosaurs and ancient Lovecraftian Monsters. I was inspired by the illustrations of W. Francis Phillipps. His illustrations where far from anatomically accurate but had a great sense of drama, atmosphere and strangeness. Some of his illustration work of dinosaurs were terrifying to look at, especially for children. I was also inspired by the work of James Harren and Ryan Ottley, two excellent contemporary comic book artists who produce work that focuses on horror and other 'pulp' style content. Both of these artists utilize a rich use of 'inky' styles in their work. The colour palette was inspired by Dave Stewart's work on the Hell Boy comic series by Mike Mignola.

Final Colour Artwork developed traditionally before completion using Sketchbook pro and Photoshop

The initial Mock up design was completed traditionally with pencil on paper (left) and then digitally inked in Sketchbook Pro (Right).

Space Pirate - Colour Palette Variation Process

This Space Pirate design was sketched and cleaned up in Sketchbook Pro and then brought into Photoshop for colouring. I found a method of colouring (using layers) that allows for easy palette adjustment, providing the opportunity to easily produce multiple colour design variations.

Barbarian and Vampire Hunter Cartoon Styles
Artwork created in Sketchbook Pro focusing on a more 'cartoony' approach reminiscent of the heavily 'inked' style of comic book artist Skottie Young 

A selection of more 'pulp' content exploring the styles of Jack Kirby, Tony Moore and Mike Mignola.
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