Fox Runner
Fox Runner Animated Illustration
For this project, I animated a simple run cycle of fox character, based on a set of water colour sketches I completed some time ago. I initially animated the line test version of the cycle in Adobe Flash CC on a Wacom Companion with the intention of painting the frames in Photoshop to see if I can achieve the same water colour style as the original sketches below.
I created the colour version of the Fox Run cycle in Adobe Photoshop by importing the original GIF line art animation and painting multiple layers using Photoshop’s Timeline and Video Layers. While the final look is very like the original sketch below, the approach is incredibly time consuming taking roughly 4 hours to paint about 18 frames. It might be a unique look for a commercial or short film and I’m sure with some more experimentation with brushes I could achieve a more realistic water colour look.
The original 'water colour' sketches of the Fox character.
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